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Pierrot (SOLD)
Pierrot (SOLD)

I had been thinking about using Tristan as a subject for a years when I finally came up with my Pierrot idea. Honestly, when I spoke to Tristan about it he might have rolled his eyes because we had been down the " I want to paint you'' road so many times already. Although he probably didn't because he is such a kind and laid back fella-the best neighbour anyone could wish for.
David Bowie said in an interview back in 1976 "I'm Pierrot, I'm everyman" ( today I have no doubt he would have said everybody). So as well as Tristan he is me, me and my existence since our "plague" first started. I think I have always been a Pierrot although I masquerade as a Harlequin often enough (and have had great fun doing so!). Most people are like that, inner and outer world, the social masks we wear and take off. What makes us all different (just one of many) is the ratio of those two dichotomies. I do think it has been easier for me during this challenging time because I am used to isolation. I seek it out often and it is my happy place. And I am used to working alone at home. It has been difficult for so many people. Yet I hope we have found new parts of ourselves that were always there. Life will return to normal, it is already starting albeit slowly. I say embrace your inner Pierrot, he will always welcome you . And keep dancing with your Harlequin, he will keep you young.